Digital Sewing Patterns for well known Baby Dolls.
Our Baby Room pattern is suitable for 3 doll sizes: 36cm, 43cm and 46-48cm. The cradle will be in 2 sizes. The changing table and beanbag are one size. The bathrobes are 3 different sizes. The diaper is only in 43cm. Please note that the clothes, that you see lying folded on the shelf, are not included but the towels are.
Because of the size of the pieces, a lot of them are split over the pages and various pieces will need to be cut to size. All pattern pieces are full size so you can print, cut and start. A complete description explaining how to make the changing table, cradle and doll clothes, with full-color picture, is included with the pattern.
All doll clothes will fit well known baby dolls, 36cm, 43cm & 46-48cm. With The Baby Room patterns you can create a whole baby room for dolls: cradle: mattress, blanket, sheet & pillow, changing table: pad, bags, towels & diaper bag, diaper for 43cm dolls, beanbag, bathrobe in 3 sizes.
I used light weight cotton for the cradle, bedding and most accessories. For the towels and bathrobes I used terry cloth, the bathrobe lining is light weight cotton fabric again.
Wooden doll furniture: the furniture is easy to make. I did it all myself and I'm hardly a woodworker : ) You will need woodworking tools of course.
The accessories that go with the furniture are all very easy to make. The rectangular pieces, you will draw directly-to-size on the fabric. These rectangular pattern pieces are not included on the sheets.
The beanbag is a bit tricky because of the piping that you stitch with between the seams. To make the bean bag easier you could omit the piping. The bathrobes and diaper are all easy to sew.
The dolls in the photos are my personal Zapf Creations® dolls. I have designed these clothing patterns especially to fit these dolls but PLEASE NOTE that my patterns are NOT official Zapf Creations® doll clothing or furniture patterns. I create all patterns by hand at home and I have no affiliation in any way or with any doll manufacturer whatsoever.
IMPORTANT: These are European style patterns and seam allowance is not included in the pattern pieces. All measurements are metric.